Dawn of the Dead, Zombie Pullover Mask

original make-up / prosthetics

A very cool Zombie pullover mask used in the 2005 remake of Dawn of the Dead. This is one of 60 of this style of mask made for the film. Each mask was unique and designed for background use. Also worth mentioning is the poloroid that came with the piece showing the actor that used this particular mask. You can see the actor and his mask on one of the short featurettes on the dvd release of the movie. Propstore of London COA.
item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: make-up / prosthetics
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1054)
original (1038)  |  replica (16)
movie: Dawn of the Dead (2005)
original (15)  |  replica (1)
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