Push, Young Nick Gant's Hero Costume

original movie costume

This screen worn hero costume was used in the movie "Push" in 2009. Nick Gant, as a child, was played by Colin Ford in the movie. The costume consists of two shirts, jeans and a pair of shoes. The two shirts were worn in a layered look during the movie. The first shirt is a flannel, long sleeved, brown and cream colored “Gap Kids” shirt. The second shirt is a baseball style, brown and cream colored “Gap” shirt. The jeans are slim fit, “Gap” blue jeans. Lastly, the pair of shoes are black and white “Converse All-Star” shoes. The shoes are dirty and have been aged to look older. This screen worn outfit is a “hero” costume because it was used extensively during filming and it was the main costume for the character of young Nick.
This outfit is seen in the very beginning of the movie in the opening credits. In the credits Nick Gant and his father are running through a hotel to stay off the raider of Division, a group of agents after people with special abilities because they want to harness these people’s abilities and create a superhuman army. Nick’s father gives him instructions, says goodbye, and telekinetically shoves him through a wall in order to save his life. The head agent of Division, Henry Carver (Djimon Hounsou), finds Nick’s father and kills him while Nick is silently watching in sadness. Then Cassie Holmes (Dakota Fanning) gives a crash course of the history of the world and how people with special abilities, like Pushers, Movers, Bleeders, and Sniffers fit into it. This outfit was originally purchased through an Ebay auction and the COA is through Premiere Props. This outfit also came with a wardrobe tag included. “Their powers make them an endangered species because one push can change everything!"
costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Premiere Props (2220)
original (2218)  |  replica (2)
celebrity: Colin Ford (1)
movie: Push (2009)
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Cool! [by thehunger1992 ]
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