Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda's Lamp

made from scratch movie prop

Scratch-built (based on careful scrutiny of screencaps) replica of the lamp that Yoda takes from Luke on Dagobah.

Second photo shows the lamp as it appeared on-screen.

prop: collector:
category: made from scratch
type: movie props
celebrity: Frank Oz (56)
original (2)  |  replica (54)
movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
original (63)  |  replica (291)
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I scratch-built it from pieces of PVC & copper tubing. Took a couple of weeks to suss out, but in the end it turned out pretty good. ;-) [by Nexus6 ]
That's a cool little prop! Where'd you get it? [by rkpetersen ]
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