Xena: Warrior Princess, Xena's ltd. Ed. Orginal Chakram Sold By Creation Entertainment

replica movie prop

Edition Original Chakram sold by Creation Entertainment and made by the Prop Masters at Pacific Renaissance Ltd. The reason I purchased this other Chakram is because of its RARE Shadowbox with a Different photo on the center and old version frame. The Shadowbox does have many differences from the original shadowbox the "chrome" plexiglass holder is not in this shadowbox like the old ones do thus makes it EXTREMELY RARE! Could possibly be the only one like this. This Chakram is Ltd. Ed. #358 of This is does not have the "New Zealand Made" that customs ordered creation ent. to have the prop masters put on them after a certain amount, thus makes it even MORE RARE!

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
serial number: 358
coa issued by: Creation Entertainment (38)
celebrity: Lucy Lawless (310)
original (242)  |  replica (68)
movie: Xena: Warrior Princess (TV) (1995)
original (825)  |  replica (146)
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