Ozark(2017-2022), Wyatt's Hero outfit

original movie costume

This is Wyatt Langmores'(Charlie Tahan) screen matched, Hero outfit. Wyatt actually wears this outfit in both Episodes 1/8 of Season 3. When Wyatt is talking to Darlene at her Jam stand, and later when Ruth gets back from the hospital. UPDATE: Wyatt's shirt is also seen in Season 3/Episode 9, when Ruth asks Wyatt and Darlene to hide Ben. "Your gonna leave the f***ring country, if I ask you to leave the f***ing country"! UPDATE #2: My shirt is seen once again in Season 4, when Wyatt and Darlene are digging Frank Cosgrove's grave. You also see in in the Season 4/ Part 1 trailer...I would add a screenshot, but limited to 5.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: VIP Fan Auctions (728)
celebrity: Charlie Tahan (3)
movie: Ozark(2017-2022)
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