Braveheart, William Wallace' Braveheart Sword (Andyana Jones)

replica movie prop weapon

This one of a kind Braveheart, Toledos Authentic Replicas of William Wallace' sword. It was fabricated in late 1995 early 1996, by prop masters Bear Burge and Dragon Donet, who worked as weapons and armor-makers for many television productions and feature films. It was fabricated as a licensing prototype to be submitted to Paramount Pictures licensing. The piece consists of a long and heavy quality made, Toledo sword blade imported from Spain. A handmade-machined hilt, which boasts custom metal engraving and slightly detailed, battle weathering. The piece is further enhanced with quality, butterscotch hand sewn leather. The length of the blade measures about 41" and the overall length is 52". Andyana Jones
prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: prop weapons
movie: Braveheart (1995)
original (44)  |  replica (4)
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