Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wesley Crusher's 'Pajamas' & Robe Costume

original movie costume

These articles of clothing were created for Star Trek: The Next Generation for wear by Wil Wheaton in the role of 'Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher'.  The actual episode(s) in which this outfit used on screen is currently unknown - it could be cut footage.


Included is an off-white, long-sleeved sleeping tunic, grayish-brown trousers, white and dark brown vertical stripes, a full-size, mid-sleeved, green and black robe with a tied sash. A sewn in tag reads Star Trek: TNG, Wil Wheaton' and the costumer’s tag reads "Star Trek – next gen, Wesley, Wil Wheaton".


OK, was told when this pajama/robe outfit was filmed - a deleted scene (5) from 'Journey's End':




    Wesley is sound asleep in bed. His things are

    scattered across the floor -- not the neat and tidy

    room one would expect from a Starfleet Cadet. The door

    CHIMES. Wes groans and rolls over, trying to ignore

    it. The door CHIMES again. Wesley finally sits up in





            Come in.


    The doors OPEN and Picard ENTERS. He's surprised to

    see Wesley still in bed.



            Oh. I'm sorry to disturb you,

            Mister Crusher. I assumed you

            would be up at this hour. I could

            come back later.


    Wesley drags himself out of bed and puts on a robe. He

    makes a feeble effort to perk up for the Captain.



            No... no, sir. I... must have

            overslept. Come in.


    Picard comes in as Wesley goes to the replicator.



                (continuing, to


            Coffee, black.


    We HEAR the sound of the replicator. Wesley seems to

    remember something.



                (continuing, to Picard)

            Oh. Uh, can I get something for

            you, sir?



            No, that's quite all right. This

            was my first chance to welcome you



    Wesley takes a sip from the steaming mug.



            Thank you. I appreciate that.


    There is an awkward beat. The usual warm and familiar

    dynamic between them is noticeably absent.


     STAR TREK: "Journey's End" REV. 01/24/94 - ACT ONE     11.




    Wesley never quite meets Picard's gaze... he's

    withdrawn and evasive. He really doesn't want to be

    here and he doesn't particularly want to talk to the

    Captain -- he just wants to be left alone. Picard

    feels progressively more uncomfortable.



            So... how's Boothby?


    Wesley shrugs.



            Fine, I guess.



            You guess?



            I haven't seen him in a while.


            To be honest, sir... Boothby was

            starting to get on my nerves a

            little bit.



       STAR TREK: "Journey's End" 01/20/94 - ACT ONE       12.


5    CONTINUED: (2)


                    WESLEY (Cont'd)

            He always seemed to have an

            opinion about everything.

                (then tries to


            I mean, I know he's a very...

            insightful... intelligent man...


    Picard's had about enough of this... he can see that

    something's going on with Wesley and that continued

    conversation will only make it worse.



            But you'd had enough of his




            That's not quite what I meant,



    Picard decides not to pursue this any longer.



            Well, as I said, welcome back,

            Mister Crusher. I hope you enjoy

            your vacation. That's really all

            I came here to say.


    Picard turns and EXITS. Wesley feels instantly bad...

    he didn't mean to rude... and now it's too late. He

    sits down in frustration.





Maybe it will appear in the Blu-Ray release along with other deleted scenes.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: It's a Wrap! (84)
celebrity: Wil Wheaton (13)
movie: Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV) (1987)
original (533)  |  replica (602)
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