Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Vulcan Port Bottle

replica movie prop

Here is my Vulcan Port bottle. This is a personal replica construction. It is a found light-green glass bottle with labels applied. The stopper is made from a 7-ring plastic salt shaker with a brass filigree bead cap applied to a glued-on acrylic half-round. It stands 14" tall with the stopper in place.

Description from Memory Alpha:

"Vulcan port was an alcoholic beverage produced on Vulcan, having a characteristic indigo blue color (reminiscent of Romulan ale).

In 2370, Quark had a particularly dusty bottle of Vulcan port amongst his personal stock, which was regarded as being a considerably expensive and very rare vintage given that it was three centuries old. From this bottle he poured Sakonna a glass, to which she declined. Quark thereafter found the taste disagreeable upon sampling it for himself. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")"

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Armin Shimerman (19)
original (7)  |  replica (12)
movie: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV) (1993)
original (602)  |  replica (364)
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