SeaQuest DSV, VPal Communicator (Season 2 & 3)

original movie prop

This is a UEO personnel Vpal communicator prop which was used as a mobile communications device for the crew of the Seaquest and other UEO personnel during the 3 seasons of the show. When activated the vpal would Illuminate and a person could speak into the device like a speaker phone. 


This version of the vpal communicator is of the second generation as it is missing some specific details from the first generation of the vpal including a phone dial pad and antenna. This Vpal is painted black with silver accents and is a fully working effects prop which lights up when activated via the either the 2 side thumb contacts and or the power switch on the top of the prop. When activated a small white screen on the face of the prop is illuminated and a set of 2 LEDs flicker in a set pattern. The prop is powered by a 9 volt battery which is located in the lower section of the prop and to access the battery, you need to remove a small screw on the bottom of the prop to remove the battery cover.


Many of these Vpals were used during the show and this particular prop was damaged slightly during filming and so was sent off for repairs by the original prop master working on the shop who I ended up purchasing the prop from.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Eric Nagy (3)
movie: SeaQuest DSV (TV) (1993)
original (168)  |  replica (4)
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