Fury, US 1st Pattern HERO Brad Pitt '2nd Armor Division' Tanker Jacket

original movie costume

This is one of the HERO jackets worn by actor Brad Pitt in director David Ayer's amazing WW2 movie, FURY. Pitt plays the role of 'Don "Wardaddy" Collier', a war-weary commander of an M4A3E8 Sherman Tank christened, 'FURY'. Loyal to his superiors, his missions, and his promise to keep his crew alive, FURY shows the true impact of war on one man's soul and his crew.

This jacket has been heavily distressed and dirtied by the wardrobe department (note how the tag is completely washed out).

It reads simply 'WARDADDY HERO' in an inconspicuous place (I won't disclose this info due to the risk of fakes being made).

It is an incredible piece which features throughout the movie. The liner on this jacket is thinner than the STUNT version I own- each of Pitt's Jackets was custom-made for his use.

This jacket has been Screen-Matched to the one worn by Pitt at the early stages of the film. Note the blood spot to the left of the zip- this can clearly be seen at various points throughout the movie and is an EXACT match in size and shape!

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Brad Pitt (113)
original (92)  |  replica (21)
movie: Fury (2014)
original (35)  |  replica (2)
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