Scream 4 / Scre4m, Trevor Sheldon death bloody costume

original movie costume

From my favorite movie ever we have a piece that I just love. This is the screenused bloody and death outfit worn by (Nico Tortorella) as Trevor in scream 4!!!! This can be seen in the scenes where Jill shoots him and also when he is on the floor dead during the showdown and when the police come and finds everyone on the floor!!!!It comes complete with a blue denim button up Levis jacket, green JCrew polo shirt, khaki pants, brown leatherbelt, and a pair of black lace up Clark boots!!!! Also I found in the pocket a letter that I think Nico wrote. Comes with a tag and a COA from PREMIERE PROPS!!!! 

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Premiere Props (2220)
original (2218)  |  replica (2)
celebrity: Nico Tortorella (6)
movie: Scream 4 / Scre4m (2011)
original (165)  |  replica (15)
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