Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Tongo Cards

made from scratch movie prop

These Tongo cards are laser printed on photo quality card stock, laminated in a matte film and hand cut by me. The design on these cards were drawn by me using pictures of screen-used pieces as reference. In addition, the design seen on these cards are idealized versions of what was actually used on screen (I opted to have the colored designation squares/ovals be printed filled rather than use a marker, as the originals had). Measurements: 3-3/16 x 3-3/16" for the square card and 3-3/16 x 4-10/16" for the oval card. The flip-side of each card has the opposite design, just as the screen-used examples had.

From Memory Alpha:

Tongo was a strategic Ferengi game that was a combination of cards and roulette and which was played with two to eight players. The object of the game was to win by acquiring as much wealth as possible.

According to Jadzia Dax, the key to tongo was "to confront when you're sure you're in a better position than the other players. And if your cards match the roll of the dice, you win." (DS9: "Meridian")

prop: collector:
category: made from scratch
type: movie props
celebrity: Armin Shimerman (19)
original (7)  |  replica (12)
movie: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV) (1993)
original (602)  |  replica (364)
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