Titanic, Titanic Rose's Heaven/Crystal gown by Mary's bridal

replica movie costume

Who could forget the farytale reunion built from a "Titanic" tale. The center piece, not Jack nor Rose but a beaded lace dream ensemble draped on the heroine. This is Mary's bridal version of the heaven/crystal gown from the iconic and groundbreaking film. Mary's bridal is a high end and very fashionable bridal company who are still in business today. From my knowledge this dress sold for around $800 in 1999- 2000 and as a limited edition. There was only two company's by my knowledge that ever "mass-produced" any version of this gown and it was The J Peterman Co. and of course Mary's bridal. I could not find much on this dress, it seems to be particularly rare to come by.
costume: collector:
category: other replicas
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Kate Winslet (113)
original (48)  |  replica (65)
movie: Titanic (1997)
original (327)  |  replica (189)
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