Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Terminator 2 Display by Elm-Studios.

replica movie prop

I just thought id share with you the most unbelievable score i have ever had the fortune to get hold of. Bjorn Elmart of Elm Studios in Sweden has just completed my lifesize Anold Schwarzenegger T2 display for my movie themed cafe HOLLYWOOD BITES. This has been painstakingly sculpted by hand over the past 7 months by Bjorn & his lovely wife Annica, and is screen accurate to the minutest detail. Arnies head comes off an original Stan Winston mold which Bjorn now owns & was used in 4 scenes in T2 notably when arnie gets blasted by the police in cyberdyne & when the T-1000 crushes arnies head in the steel factory with the iron girder.

You will notice on the superb display Bjorn has also sculpted a chrome Terminator endoskull which has also come off a complete Stan Winston endo frame. There was only 10 of these made for the film & Bjorn owns the last one & we will be adding this later in the year to HOLLYWOOD BITES, a genuine complete ENDOSKELETON from STAN WINSTON.

in the base display they have also installed a DVD player which plays TERMINATOR 2 on a loop along with a superb sound system to capture some of the awesome sound effects of T2.

To say i am in shock is an understatement. Bjorn says of over 75 full life size statues that he has completed, this is the best one he has ever done. He has also made a video of the process of creating this work of art which i will post as soon as i have it.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Arnold Schwarzenegger (508)
original (320)  |  replica (188)
movie: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
original (115)  |  replica (256)
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