Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Terminator 2, Arnold's costume belt, pants belt

original movie costume

Original production made, perhaps screen used pants belt.  The leather belt design was custom made by "Willie's" in Los Angeles.  The buckle is no longer made but was made by a well known buckle manufacturer.  


"MyProps" on here has the exact same one: (copy and paste link)


Screen used link for same exact belt (copy and paste link)


costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Arnold Schwarzenegger (508)
original (320)  |  replica (188)
movie: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
original (115)  |  replica (256)
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So who has the original belt, you or my props??? Its a big deal you know. [by ElysiumFAN1 ]
* registered yourprops.com members only
** The content of this listing is the sole responsibility of T2SF. Yourprops.com, its owners, agents and assigns assume no liability.

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