Star Trek: The Next Generation, Ten Forward Tabletop Game

replica movie prop

When this translucent black pyramid first appears on the illuminated tabletops of the Ten Forward lounge, it seems to be a wait-service call device.  In later episodes though, crew are seen playing two-person games on it, in Ten Forward and elsewhere onboard the Enterprise-D, as when Troi uses one to distract Worf's son Alexander while his father undergoes risky spinal cord surgery in fifth season episode Ethics.


The prop is an actual 1984 game from Bandai called Pair Match.  It plays as an audio version of Concentration, in which 2 players (or 1 player vs computer) try to match electronic sound clips hidden behind digital blocks hovering in the center of the pyramid. The person who captures the most blocks wins (or other game variations).


prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV) (1987)
original (533)  |  replica (606)
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