Terminator 2 3D: Battle Across Time, T800 Dud Cast Foam Endo Skull

replica movie prop

Soft foam Endo skull.  Bought on eBay.  Sold as a T2-3D Dud Cast skull.


Detailing is missing in some parts, but otherwise looking great.  During investigating the piece it was found that it sports T1 details and not T2.  And there are Stan Winston Studios pictures showing a mold and the pieces molded, as well as a casting used to sculpt skin on top that matches this foam skull - various details matching.  Make no claims whether it is a direct casting from SWS molds or it is a copy of one of those castings.


EDIT: Been informed that it has T1 as well as T2 traits, so I\'ll refer to it as production style instead of individual movies from now on.


Included some of the eBay auction pictures as well as some pictures after I painted it with metallic rubnbuff and ivory paint for the teeth.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Arnold Schwarzenegger (508)
original (320)  |  replica (188)
movie: Terminator 2 3D: Battle Across Time (1996)
original (82)  |  replica (8)
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