Terminator 3D: Battle Across Time, T-Meg commemoration statue / crew gift

original film-crew items

A T-Meg commemoration statue for the 1996 opening of Terminator 2 3D Battle Across Time at Universal Studios Orlando by Landmark Entertainment Group. A very exclusive crew gift for the top people responsible in the creation of the Terminator 2 3D show. It is estimated by a former Landmark employee that only about 10 were given out, including one to James Cameron. Incredible rare.


The plaque is fake and fanmade (and contains an error). Originally the name of the receiver of this crew gift was on the plaque, but this original plaque was removed before this statue was being sold.

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: film-crew items
celebrity: Arnold Schwarzenegger (509)
original (320)  |  replica (189)
movie: Terminator 3D: Battle Across Time (1996)
original (91)  |  replica (9)
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