Looper, Stunt Magnum Research BFR / Bruce Willis

original movie prop weapon

A Gat Man Stunt Magnum Research BFR used in the 2012 Rian Johnson time travel thriller, Looper. In the film, Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) works for the mob as a Looper, a hitman who waits for his subdued targets from the future to be sent back in time to 2074, where he awaits with a Blunderbuss shotgun. Unfortunately for Joe, his world is turned upside down when the mob sends his future self (Bruce Willis) back in time for Joe to 'close the loop.'

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: prop weapons
celebrity: Bruce Willis (316)
original (219)  |  replica (97)
movie: Looper (2012)
original (15)  |  replica (13)
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