Defiance, Stahma's Dress & Necklace - EP305

original movie costume

This is the dress and necklace that were worn by Jaime Murray in the Season 3 episode "History Rhymes" (3.05). The necklace is broken (I cannot attach it behind the neck anymore), which makes me think it was the real one seen on screen. Since I do not have any proof of that though, I cannot mark it as "screen-matched" unfortunately. It was the only one in this style sold by VIP, so it is another reason why I think it was Jaime's necklace. The dress (1 of 2) and necklace also came with leg and wrist-forearm warmers. Both of these last 2 items are stained with dirt. The necklace was also featured in promo photos.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: VIP Fan Auctions (728)
celebrity: Jaime Murray (21)
original (19)  |  replica (2)
movie: Defiance (TV) (2013)
original (56)  |  replica (4)
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