Army of Darkness, Skeleton Graveyard stop motion armature miniature puppet

original model / miniature

A model miniature skeleton stop motion puppet used in the classic horror film Army of Darkness. This prop puppet can be seen in the background during the graveyard scene when Ash is kissing Shiela, these miniature skeletons are moving and fighting in the background. The skeleton is hinged in the middle of the spine and has a rod with a long handle going under the graveyard platform. The skeleton can be controlled from the underside of the platform. This particular skeleton still has the original rocks, and tombstones laying on the ground all around him, he was part of a larger platform of skeletons all controlled with rods from the underside of the platform. A extremely rare item from The Propstore Of London.

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: models / miniatures
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1054)
original (1038)  |  replica (16)
celebrity: Bruce Campbell (49)
original (28)  |  replica (21)
movie: Army of Darkness (1992)
original (38)  |  replica (9)
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