24, Sherry Palmer's Day 1 Pilot episode costume

original movie costume

This two-piece costume was worn on screen by Penny Johnson Jerald while portraying the character "Sherry Palmer" on the very first "Pilot Episode" of the iconic tv series "24" on FOX, which starred Kiefer Sutherland. Sherry was the conniving and much-hated wife of Senator David Palmer who was running for President in Day 1 of "24".  The costume consists of a creme button-down long sleeve top and a brown skirt. Sherry wore this oufit in the beginning of episode 1 when she and her husband David Palmer were in their hotel suite awaiting the results of the California election primary. This vintage outfit from the historic pilot episode of "24" is in a great screen worn condition and is certified by the renowned "Prostore Of London".

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1055)
original (1039)  |  replica (16)
celebrity: Penny Johnson Jerald (1)
movie: 24 (TV) (2001)
original (238)  |  replica (40)
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