The Pacific, Sgt. Elmo "Gunny" Haney's USMC Bracelet And USMC Ring Worn By Gary Sweet In The Pacific

original movie prop

Sgt. Elmo "Gunny" Haney's USMC Bracelet And USMC Ring Worn In Multiple Episodes. He is shown wearing these in almost if not all scenes he had in The Pacific. The bracelet has USMC, his name and id number. Everything about the bracelet matches up with the screen shots. On the reverse its marked STERLING, it has caked movie blood, and is inscribed by a love one and dated. It appears as in all of the Pacific props or uniforms that they went for detail and authenticity. During WW2 many loved ones would buy a bracelot for their soldier loved one and inscribe something on the back and give it to them

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1055)
original (1039)  |  replica (16)
celebrity: Gary Sweet (8)
movie: The Pacific (TV) (2010)
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Great item, so visible in every acene. [by marineiwo ]
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