Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Screen used, T-1000 handgun bullet hit

original make-up / prosthetics

Ever since becoming a collector, I have wanted one of these small treasures of Hollywood History. I always thought the effect these had, whether spring loaded(by remote control) or attached to one of the T-1000's shirts, looked incredible on film. This is a large, 4" deep impact handgun hit, made of dense foam. Very light weight, not to effect Robert when he was running and such. It shows obvious wear from use and signs of cracking and faded chrome paint for being almost 25 years old. I look forward to displaying this behind glass to help preserve it.

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: make-up / prosthetics
celebrity: Robert Patrick (48)
original (29)  |  replica (19)
movie: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
original (115)  |  replica (256)
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