The Punisher, Screen used Frank Castle costume and Dog Tags

original movie costume

Here is a costume worn by Thomas Jane as Frank Castle in THE PUNISHER.

This particular set has the exceedingly rare Frank Castle dog tags as well which I'm really excited about.

I do love the performance Jon Bernthal has done with the most recent series on Disney+ but Thomas Jane's is still my favorite above them all.

And this was the super early days of the MCU even before The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man where the budget was small and time short in order to complete this film.

So prop wise, far fewer pieces made in comparison to the current MCU productions.

The t-shirt has the hand silk screened iconic logo and the pants are 100% custom made for Thomas Jane and the production.

Will eventually mount this to a mannequin but for now I hope you enjoy!

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Prop store (68)
celebrity: Thomas Jane (30)
original (21)  |  replica (9)
movie: The Punisher (2004)
original (45)  |  replica (17)
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