Breaking Bad, Screen-Matched Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) T-Shirt Series 2 Ep.3 "Bit by a Dead Bee"

original movie costume

Screen-Matched Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) T-Shirt Series 2 Ep.3 "Bit by a Dead Bee"

As can be seen in the comparative side-by-side picture of the T_Shirt on the left and the screencap on the right the specific cut of the fabric's pattern matches the pattern seen on screen.The skulls that are cut off by the collar and the bottom edge of the shirt line up in the same areas as the shirt seen on screen.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Aaron Paul (7)
original (6)  |  replica (1)
movie: Breaking Bad (TV) (2008)
original (74)  |  replica (21)
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