Star Trek: Enterprise, Science PADD (Light Up Screen)

replica movie prop

This is A replica of the same PADDs seen in Star Trek Enterprise. I decided to build the light up version like they did in the show and so you can also read it in the dark as well.

I built this PADD from the same cabin light box's like the originals. The Graphics where done in Photoshop and is a composite of images I found of the ship and CG Layout. All the text is readable and describes some of the key fetchers of the NX-01, including its measurements, internal systems, and decks.

The raised detail on the outer bezel of the PADD came from A kit I picked up from Matt Munson whom also has A tutorial on how to built the PADD. The only thing messing now is the small numbers for the 2 rubber squares.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Star Trek: Enterprise (TV) (2001)
original (405)  |  replica (212)
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