Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, Sankara Amber Stones - Sivalinga (Andyana Jones)

replica movie prop

The central items of quest in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom are the sacred Sankara Stones, the Sivalinga. According to Hindu mythology, Sankara was a priest who ascended Mount Kalisa where he met the Hindu god Shiva. Shiva gave him five stones with magical properties with which Sankara was meant to combat evil. In the film, these stones were realized as plastic props with lights inside them, representing the diamonds which were meant to glow when the stones were brought together. Three lines were deeply etched into the front surface of each stone, representing the three levels of the Hindu universe. The rocks I have are cast in amber coloured resin to match the color of the original props. Inside of each stone are many tiny little crystals, which should give them the appearance of real diamonds. The stones are carefully aged and polished up to give them the shine of river-polished stones. Finally, the three carved lines were painted white, just like on the original stones. This one also got a LED installed at the bottom to light the stones up with a flackering light! This gives the stone a brillant touch and feel to it. You'll think u have the real amber stone in your hand. This set was made by Azuma, and he created another stunning replica. He tried to make them as close to the shape (both outline, and tilted angle when standing) as shown in the Lucas Archives Book as possible.
Andyana Jones

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Harrison Ford (598)
original (71)  |  replica (527)
movie: Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom (1984)
original (97)  |  replica (222)
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