Batman Begins, SWAT License Plate

original movie prop

Here is a SWAT license plate from Batman Begins (2005), this item would've been used as set dressing to give the vehicles the look of Gotham City.

I'm always on the hunt for Batman items, feel free to leave a comment or check out my other items :)

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1055)
original (1039)  |  replica (16)
movie: Batman Begins (2005)
original (44)  |  replica (86)
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You do indeed, haha. It's a nice display piece and I'm glad the other half is in a collectors hands ;) [by Thecollector ]
If you havn't seen already, I have the same plate (so from the other side of the SWAT vehicle ;) ). [by Snappy ]
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