Space: Above and Beyond, SAAB pilot Episode Low Flight Helmet
original movie costume
Space: Above and Beyond Pilot Episode Low Flight Helmet.
This helmet started its life as the Low star patterrn flight helmet from the pilot episode of SAAB.. then was repainted and repurposed with a black dome and arrows for use as the Carter cockpit death scene flight helmet ( also from the pilot ) . the helmet was repainted and modified a final time as the original Queen of Diamonds Vansen Queen helmet ( as evident by the Vansen Queen of Diamonds decals on this helmet . but it was never used on screen as The Queen Helmet and was left as is by production , it has been sitting in this configuration for almost 30 years , another helmet was eventually used as the red dome hero Vansen Queen helmet for the remainder of filming for season 1.
Helmet has a hand written Low under the grill , and a crossed out Vansen inside the top of the helmet..
Helmet is screen matched as the Low flight helmet by the original star pattern under the black paint that is still visable and each star can be screen matched to the pilot episode , one can also still see the original Low star pattern under the black paint in the Carter death scene on screen in the pilot .. unknown at this time as to why the name ARAYA is on the helmet , Araya was a ground pounding marine in an episode called Enemy but does not wear this helmet in this configuration in that episode ..
if anyone has any other additional information on this helmet ,please feel free to email me.
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