I Am Legend, Robert Neville (Will Smith) Hero Hand Grenade

original movie prop weapon

This prop dummy grenade was used by Will Smith as Dr. Robert Neville in the 2007 blockbuster I Am Legend. In the film, Dr. Neville is the sole human survivor in New York City after a virus epidemic swept through the world.

This non-functioning dummy grenade prop is made of metal and feature a removable pin and hinged trigger lever. The grenade was used in the film’s climax, when Neville realizes he cannot defeat the mutant vampires and commits self-sacrifice to allow his companions to escape with the vaccine for the virus which has wiped out the world’s population.

This prop was rented to the production for several weeks in 2006, and includes a copy of the rental invoice. It is one of three prop grenades used in the production. Intentional blurring on serial number to prevent replication.

COA: Propstore of London

Will Smith as Dr. Robert Neville in the very last minutes of the film, about to use the grenade...

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: prop weapons
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1055)
original (1039)  |  replica (16)
celebrity: Will Smith (134)
original (72)  |  replica (62)
movie: I Am Legend (2008)
original (19)  |  replica (7)
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