Pitch Black, Riddick (Vin Diesel) Mining Lamp

original movie prop

This is the original mining lamp that Riddick (Vin Diesel) picks up from the ground outside the ‘Coring Room’.
The lamp has been broken and smashed by the studio to make it appear badly damaged. There is still a great deal of desert sand inside and on the surface from the filming location. There are some fantastic close-ups of this item in the final cut of the film when Riddick picks it up and wipes the sand from the cracked lens. The smashed glass of the lamp matches exactly what is seen on screen, as does the bent wire 'frame' around the outside of the lamp body

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
celebrity: Vin Diesel (124)
original (93)  |  replica (31)
movie: Pitch Black (2000)
original (43)  |  replica (11)
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