The Chronicles of Riddick, Riddick Handcuff Restraints

original movie prop

I should probably slip these chains and open up a few arteries. But why drive when you can get driven?


Toombs and his mercenary crew manage to capture Riddick during the Necromonger invasion of Helion Prime, and promptly securely restrain him (or so they believe). These shackles are worn by Riddick aboard the merc ship and on delivery to prison planet Crematoria.


Hero machined metal cuffs and segmented connecting bar; each wristcuff can be detached. 


From ScreenUsed.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Tommy Tomlinson (1)
celebrity: Vin Diesel (123)
original (92)  |  replica (31)
movie: The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)
original (232)  |  replica (33)
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