Doctor Who, Rassilon Custom Sonic Screwdriver Displays

replica set dressing / pieces

This Are Custom Sonic Displays that Rassilon did for me who is a member of the RPF. Just like the Mono stand I have for my Brass Rassilon, this also light up but they Can hold 8 yes EIGHT! Sonics at once. The First two pictures show my Classic Baker and McGann Sonics and the 3rd and 4th images show my Eccleston & Tennant Sonics. I will provide more detail on the individual Sonics in othere postings. The covers and struts are made of non yellowing UV resistant, and scratch resistant plastic. he designed them to look like the inside of a Tardis and installed real brass Knobs on the top. To finish it off he painted the bases with a nice crackle paint work and custom brass name plates.

item: collector:
category: other replicas
type: set dressing / pieces
movie: Doctor Who (TV) (1963)
original (98)  |  replica (117)
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