Xena: Warrior Princess, RARE Icons Chakram (Unnumbered)

Icons Replicas movie prop weapon

This is a VERY VERY RARE Icons Chakram. It is unnumbered & only about 10 of these were sold around the time Icons was going out of business. Basically, it is one of the few Prototype Chakrams that they made. Early on, Icons tried different ways to copy the Original Screen Used Metal Chakram (which I own) that was sent to them. This Chakram is VERY heavy and bigger and thicker then there finale numbered Chakrams. I also own one of the finale numbered Icons Chakrams and you can see how different they are.

prop: collector:
category: Icons Replicas
type: prop weapons
celebrity: Lucy Lawless (309)
original (241)  |  replica (68)
movie: Xena: Warrior Princess (TV) (1995)
original (824)  |  replica (146)
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