Alien 3, Queen Facehugger

original movie prop

So lucky to own this piece! The one and only original queen facehugger from Alien 3. Cut from the cinema release but in the extended DVD release. Made of Urethane but sadly missing its fingers. It has a very strong metal wire armature visible running throughout. Comes direct from Amalgamated dynamics with a hand signed COA fromTom Woodruff and Alec Gillis
prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
movie: Alien 3 (1992)
original (81)  |  replica (20)
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You have a great Alien's collection..Especially the miniatures :-D [by sylo27 ]
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** The content of this listing is the sole responsibility of GazChurchend., its owners, agents and assigns assume no liability.

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