Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, P2 Pistol Phaser replica (Working)

replica movie prop weapon

this Is A custom built replica of the P2 Phaser seen in ST III. it has A round trigger instead A square version, like my RAC phaser. It also has A special fetcher that increases the speed of the chasing LEDS on the P1 by twisting a small knob to the rear of the P1. the P1 is also attached to the P2 by wires with A Hex head screw.
I believe that this was possibly an old RAC phaser that was rebuilt do to the bad condition it was in. That is want the seller told me any way.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: prop weapons
movie: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
original (32)  |  replica (115)
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