Star Trek: The Next Generation, P2 “Dustbuster” Phasers Replica (Working)

replica movie prop weapon

This is A P2 “Dustbuster” Phaser replica seen in the 1st and 2nd season of TNG.

The “Dustbuster” has A 10 Green LED power bar that fills up when pressing the left setting button. Depress the trigger and the nozzle lights up with bright red LEDS that illuminates the spill ports. There are 3 energy settings for this phaser, 1-3 bars = Heat Setting: Pre-Fire Ring lights Prior to tip and stays lit after, 4-6 bars = Stun Setting: Pre-Fire Ring lights Prior to tip and stays lit after, 7-10 bars = Kill Setting: Pre-Fire Ring lights Prior to tip, shuts off while tip is lit and lights after tip goes out. The last setting is The overload, The bars cycle from center to outside for approxamately 8 seconds. They then increase in speed until the Overload sound starts. The Overload sequence can be interrupted at any time BEFORE the sound starts by simply depressing the right setting button. A chirp is heard and the phaser returns to Full Power setting as well as A beeping sound indicating its overloading. The right setting button works opposite to the left which drains the power bar.

It runs on 2 large button cell batteries Accessed inside the rubber hand grip which also contains a special on/off switch as well. The Rubber hand grip is attached by 2 metal spring Loaded ball caches.

This P2 was built From A Kit by Brett Jones aka Josh Hammond At Federation Surplus, and the COA from indicates that this is Number (“01”) and Signed by Eugene W. Roddenberry.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: prop weapons
movie: Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV) (1987)
original (533)  |  replica (604)
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