The Gifted, Otto Struckers Mutant DNA Research Notes

original movie prop

Fox's The Gifted Otto Struckers Mutant DNA Notebook and Flashback Notebook 

Reed Strucker visiited his estranged scientist father, Otto. who kept leather-bound notes about his families powers. Reed Exams the extensive research throughout the two series' and they allow him to further understand his powers and his family. 

The two books are both ;eather bound, the smaller book is filled with extenive hand written noted and diagrams by the prop designer/master, and also includes scene reference on its inside cover aswel, the larger one has many photocopied pages of the same book aswell as other prop documentation from the series, finally the 3rd smallest flipbook has a few pages with hand wrritten notes and research. 

First seen in S0108 and then seen again in S0203 

Dimensions: 12.25"x 9.25"x 2"

Materials: Leather and paper

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prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Propstore (279)
original (274)  |  replica (5)
celebrity: Raymond J Barry (1)
movie: The Gifted
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