The Terminator, Original production used storyboard from the Terminator

original production artwork

Original Production used storyboard from THE TERMINATOR (1984).

Three shots shown 10, 11 and 12.  Stamped "Received June 1" by Scenic Services and signed with 83 [1983] and handwritten script in marker that may say "Caso" (for Maria Caso, Production Designer.

Text states:  10: "C.U. Helmetted soldier turns and lifts starlight scope, revealing the face of a young girl, lit by the CRT glow"

11:  "C.U. Reese as he motions her to move forward and pace the H-K"

12:  "C.U. Girl - She acknowledges, turns and exits left." 

Storyboard is custom framed behind glass with two photographs copyright 1984 Orion Pictures, showing the images taken from the actual final film.

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: production artwork
coa issued by: Propstore London (45)
celebrity: Michael Biehn (60)
original (7)  |  replica (53)
movie: The Terminator (1984)
original (20)  |  replica (53)
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