Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Original Unworn Industrial Light & Magic ILM Solid-Back Crew Hat

original film-crew items

While not as rare as the mesh-back production crew hats, this is nonetheless one of the scarcer items from the making of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.  These were issued to the ILM VFX crew in California, and are entirely different than the production version.  These hats, custom-made by the same company that produced the production version, feature a solid-back design instead of a mesh "trucker" style.  In addition, the patch is completely different.  We have both a rare, unworn production version here on YourProps as well as an original ILM patch and an even rarer, unused white-back version of the patch used on the production hats. 


It is interesting to note that this ILM version of the patch, by itself, is perhaps the most pirated of any patch related to RAIDERS.  It is not uncommon to see reproductions of it on eBay every month.  If a collector is searching for an original one, any source other than a former crew member or a reputable prop house should be viewed with extreme skepticism.


We're sorry, but this item is NOT FOR SALE.  We're always looking for 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' and Disney's Indiana Jones attractions items only; no other Indiana Jones film or TV items, please.  Feel free to write to us anytime at or visit visit our collection website at

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: film-crew items
celebrity: Steven Spielberg (76)
original (72)  |  replica (4)
movie: Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
original (94)  |  replica (442)
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