Robin of Sherwood, Original Production Drawings

original production material

I have come into possession of a number of original 20x16" drawings by set designer, John Biggs. Draw direct onto acetate transfer paper, these blueprints cover set designs for the tithe barn "Castle" set, the villages of Loxley, Uffcolmbe on the Rock, Bystead (Templar village) and Elsden. Original concept sketches of the Silver Arrow, Arthur of Brittany's sword, Arthur's Round Table at Caer Leon, Albion Rune Markings, Lilliths Hut, Nottingham Prison Cell, Nottinghan Archery Tournament, Cave Set and The Cauldron of Lucifer.

I do not know of anyone who owns original hand drawings from the production, making these extremely scarce. 

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: production material
celebrity: Michael Praed (15)
original (11)  |  replica (4)
movie: Robin of Sherwood (TV) (1983)
original (96)  |  replica (16)
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