Back To The Future 2, Oh La La Magazine Cover

original movie prop

An Oh Là Là Magazine Cover from Robert Zemeckis' 1989 time traveling classic, Back to the Future Part II. This time around, Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) must jump back and forward through time in Doc Brown's (Christopher Lloyd) DeLorean in order to restore balance to the space-time continuum. This is an original front and back cover made for the production of the film and comes from the scene in which Marty fishes through his principals trash to find his stolen sports almanac. Unfortunately for Marty, Biff used the cover of the almanac to hide an adult magazine! The colored front side of the print features both back and front cover photos of posed, half dressed women, alongside the magazines title, "Oh Là Là." The backside of the page displays the same split layout in black & white with a portrait on one side and french text on the other. This item displays light wear due to production use and age but overall remains in excellent condition.
prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1056)
original (1040)  |  replica (16)
movie: Back To The Future 2 (1989)
original (135)  |  replica (510)
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