Hellboy, Ogdru Jahad Worshipper Amulet

replica movie prop

In seminal Hellboy two-part story The Island, a priest and soldiers of the Church catch and kill a powerful heretic, who carries this amulet, on an island off the coast of Portugal. Their victory is short-lived, however, as the old man is no longer completely human, transformed by his devotion to the Ogdru Jahad, and prepared to wait undying 500 years for the day he will live again. Resurrected after absorbing Hellboy's blood, the sorcerer tells Big Red the Secret History of the World, including the true origin of his Right Hand.


Full size licensed replica. Antique gold-plated pewter pendant with hemp cord and metal beads. Includes tag signed by the sculptor.


From Skelton Crew Studio. Sculpted by Jamie Macfarlane.



prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Hellboy (2004)
original (125)  |  replica (127)
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