X2: X-Men United, Nightcrawler’s Appliance Arms and Legs

original movie prop

Direct from the estate of Billy Jamieson who bought these and other cinematic relics from Gord Smith, these appliances come from one of the best X-men characters that ever existed but sadly Nightcrawler only had a few appearances throughout the film franchise. There’s been a lot of scrap Nightcrawler appliance parts out there so to have these complete hand and feet appliances is beyond a dream come true. These were apart of the main auction years ago and apart of that auction main display (shown in picture attached). Now we just need everyone’s help locating one of the tails sold and a prosthetic ear set!!

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
celebrity: Alan Cumming (3)
movie: X2: X-Men United (2003)
original (31)  |  replica (8)
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