Push, Nick Gant's Bloody Hero Tank Top

original movie costume

This screen worn hero tank top was used in the movie "Push" in 2009. Nick Gant was played by Chris Evans in the movie. This item is a white cotton, tank top that has no tag listing the brand name. This tank top is very soiled with holes, fake blood, and various colors of powder because it was the main shirt used during the last big fight scene of the movie. This screen worn tank top is a “hero” item because it was used extensively during filming and it was one of the main costume items for the character of Nick Gant. This item was originally purchased through "Fangoria’s Horror Movie Prop Auction" that was held live and the COA is through Premiere Props!
This tank top is seen toward the ending because there were not that many costume changes, due to Chris Evans wearing mostly one main costume during the entire span of the movie. This tank top is the most noticeable during the most memorable scene of the entire movie. This scene is at the conclusion of the movie when Nick tricks Division’s head agent Henry Carver (Djimon Hounsou) into believing he is dead and the secret drug has been used up. Cassie taps dead Nick with her foot and tells him he should have brought an umbrella with him. Nick asks what he injected himself with, Cassie says, “Soy sauce” and then Nick replies, “That’s gross!”
costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
serial number: PUSH1054
coa issued by: Premiere Props (2219)
original (2217)  |  replica (2)
celebrity: Chris Evans (42)
original (29)  |  replica (13)
movie: Push (2009)
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