miscellaneous productions, Movie Studio Badges

original production material

A large grouping of badges, pins, and assorted memorabilia issued by the various studios, major and minor, covering the history of Hollywood. We have also listed the collection here by Studio and type for easier access.

Included, are many pieces thought to be sole survivors, as the L-Ko (1916-1918) badge, as well as the MGM Police, Gaumont, Ince, and Tiffany badges. Property plaques representing RKO-PATHE (1930), MGM (1950), Selznick International, FOX Movietone City (1928) pre-war RANK (1st gong man), Paramount and RKO Radio, are present. No other examples of these have been found in the 35 years of assembling the collection.




item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: production material
movie: miscellaneous productions
original (92)  |  replica (97)
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