Titanic, Miniatures Bollard Fairlead - Stem Valve

original model / miniature

Two miniatures from "Titanic":


1) Single Bollard Fairlead miniature (1/8th  scale stern well deck ).

This is made of resin by Donald Pennington (master model maker for the movie) and has been signed in black in "Titanic 98, Donald Pennington" at the base of the piece.


This miniature was used on the 1/8th scale sinking / break apart model during the filming of James Cameron's "Titanic" in 1996/1997.
The bollard is likely from the aft well deck and is one of only two. It's in very good condition with only minor wear from use.

2) The Stem Valve is also the 1/8th from the stern break apart model. Made of resin by Donald Pennington (master model maker for the movie) and has been signed in black in "Titanic 98 Donald Pennigton Stem Valve 1/8th".


This miniature was used on the 1/8th scale sinking / break apart model during the filming of James Cameron's "Titanic" in 1996/1997. It's in very good condition with only minor wear from use.


* These props come with LOA.

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: models / miniatures
celebrity: Leonardo DiCaprio (117)
original (86)  |  replica (31)
movie: Titanic (1997)
original (325)  |  replica (192)
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