Alien: Resurrection, Miniature Alien Cell Chamber

original model / miniature

1/6 scale chamber which held the Alien Warriors before their escape. This is one of the cells made for the miniature set, there are many around the room. The window at the front is where the scientists view from the observation deck, the door at the side shows the size a human would be next to it.

Constructed from wood, metal, fibreglass, perspex, printed paper, plastic and resin. It is detailed and weathered with a removeable front which would have been lifted up. The inside is partially decorated as it would be seen from limited angles, the column behind is metal with horizontal bars and crosses of resin attached as well as hoses and tubes.

The column bolts on at the back, some of its pieces are missing or loose and the chamber is missing the gantry and step ladder from around the doorway.

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: models / miniatures
movie: Alien: Resurrection (1997)
original (45)  |  replica (25)
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