1408, Mike Enslin's book 'The Long Road Home'

original movie prop

This is actually two different props that together are all the ones used on-screen. The first one (above) is the one seen close-up when Mike Enslin (John Cusack) picks up the book presented to him to be autographed. He flips the book over to look at the back as well. It screen-matches perfectly with all the little creases and 'wear' that was put on the book (the different books made by the studio were distressed by hand, so each one is different). (The top two images are my photos, the bottom two are screen caps from the DVD.)
This second book is the one seen when the girl first places it on the table in front of Enslin. This is also the actual book that Cusack is seen writing a personalized autograph to the girl. (The same writing is in the other book listed above, but looks completely different). Both props are a real book ('I Was Amelia Earhart') with the Enslin cover glued all the way around.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Premiere Props (2219)
original (2217)  |  replica (2)
celebrity: John Cusack (65)
original (28)  |  replica (37)
movie: 1408 (2007)
original (50)  |  replica (38)
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WOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!! I remember this book!!!! Very and very COOL!!!!!!! Fantastic! :-D [by sylo27 ]
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